Roto 450S Family
- Létt þyngd
- 100% endurvinnanlegt
- Hár höggþolinn
- Ekkert viðhald, gróðurvarnarefni ekki þörf
- Hratt stöðugt, auðvelt að meðhöndla
- Framleitt úr pólýetýleni 3ja laga - samlokutækni
- UV stöðugur
ROTO 450s FAMILY version includes rear lockable bench for fuel tank and storage, another front bench with storage box, console with windshield and steering wheel, stainless steel handrails, stainless steel plate in the engine mounting compartment and a waterproof plywood board in the engine mounting compartment.
A wide range of accessories such as sun canopy, boat trailer, upholstery and a stainless steel A-bow with navigation light and backrest with cushion are also available.
Frekari upplýsingar
- Heildarlengd
4,5 M
- Vélarstærð með stýristöflu
20 – 40 HP
- Heildarbreidd (geisli)
1,8 M
- Bátaflokkur
N / A
- Heildarhæð
0,82 M
- Hámarksfjöldi manna
4 – 5
- Þyngd án vélar
210 – 230 KG
- Hámarks álag
677 kg
Tengdar vörur
Terhi Nordic 6020 bátur
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Terhi 385 bátur